Service Category: Electrician Courses

Combined Inspection and Testing

June 12, 13, 14,15 and 19 & 20

£1095 (no VAT payable)


This is the course for those wanting to achieve both Initial Verification and Periodic Inspection and Testing and by far the most economical way of these valuable qualifications.

With them you will be able to sign off your own work and to carry out Condition Reporting of installations such as in rented property.

The course comprises 6 parts:

The theory behind Initial Verification (2 days) 

The theory behind Periodic Inspection and Testing (1 day) 

Revision for the theory exam (½ day) 

The theory exam (½ day) 

The practical training day 

2 practical assessments (1 day).

The course is split between the 4 theory days and 2 days for the practical parts.

Candidates are encouraged to use their own test equipment should they wish, but there is always the centres own quality test gear available. We can also check the accuracy of your test equipment on our check box.

At Mid-Bucks Electrical Training unlike most other training centres we dont charge extra for the practical training day which we find always improves the chances of our candidates passing first time.

We use the EAL as our examining body as the quality of their examinations is by far the best and also improves the candidates chance of success.

For further information please contact us on 07426 878022 or 07598 154739 or email at

Safe Isolation Course

This short course is both theory and practice and is for companies keen to show that their operatives are fully conversant with the requirements of safe isolation to keep them in compliance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and thus Health and Safety at Work.

This course is a vital part of your employees CPD and demonstrates that you take their health and safety seriously and fulfils your duty as a responsible employer in this respect.

During this usually 3hour course employees will be shown a video, documents (including yours) and have to answer an extensive multi choice paper as well as demonstrate practically how to isolate a demonstration rig both at source and individual circuits with appropriate equipment and procedures.

At the end of the course candidates will receive a certificate to show that they have passed the course.

Course Fees:

All fees are as listed. There is a booking fee of £100 payable on booking. This is non-refundable as it covers the costs of exam registration etc. This is non-refundable but may be transferred to a later course by arrangement. We’ve had to introduce this as we have had several late cancellations and no shows which puts the courses in jeopardy and costs us. The balance of the fee is due before the start of the course and can be invoiced or paid by bank transfer or credit/debit card.

PAT Testing Course

PAT testing or more correctly ‘In Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment’ is a useful bolt-on skill for the electrician to gain. It can be used as an ‘at cost’ or ‘loss leader’ to approach businesses and get a foot in the door and the clever technician will keep a sharp eye open for faults and broken equipment that he can quote for, not forgetting of course the possibility of carrying out the periodic testing.

However in many and perhaps most cases this vital Health and Safety operation is carried out by companies specialising in the business and doing a pretty appalling job of it, treating the PAT testing apparatus as a cash register, expecting unrealistic numbers of tests by their operatives. This is where you could help improve this lamentable state of affairs by offering a proper, knowledgeable, and professional service.

PAT testing done properly is not difficult but it can be arduous depending on the circumstance and environment. People tend to be your biggest problem and if you are not a ‘people person’ it will be that much harder.

PAT test equipment is not cheap and there are huge differences, quality and usability and performance not only with the hardware but also the software which ranges from acceptable to virtually unusable. Price is not always your best guide. Try before you buy, both the hardware and software otherwise it’ll be a decision you’ll come to regret possibly on a daily basis!

The simple ‘Yes/No’ testers are of almost no use and provide no useful information or data and are sold to persons who have no skills in testing at all and by definition should not be performing any electrical testing. The downloading testers are useful but expensive and only viable if you have more than a couple of dozen tests to do every now and again.

Your tester should at least be able to display a numerical result that you can check against the book.

Our course is over 2 days with the first day given over to teaching the course and the second for assessments.

Course Fees:

All fees are as listed. There is a booking fee of £100 payable on booking. This is non-refundable as it covers the costs of exam registration etc. This is non-refundable but may be transferred to a later course by arrangement. We’ve had to introduce this as we have had several late cancellations and no shows which puts the courses in jeopardy and costs us. The balance of the fee is due before the start of the course and can be invoiced or paid by bank transfer or credit/debit card.

18th edition course (2nd amd) Class based 3 day

 Feb 19, 20 and Thurs 22 (exam)

Wendover Cricket Club

£495 (no VAT payable)




This is the essential certificate for every electrician. Now a required certificate for JIB registration, it demonstrates to your customers, employers and registration bodies that you have a sound knowledge of the regulations and more importantly, you can navigate them effectively. This certificate is essential as a prerequisite for your studies in inspection and testing as an awful lot of inspection is of course checking installations for compliance with the regs and without it your studies will be unnecessarily difficult.

One bit of advice is that a knowledge of the On Site Guide is not enough to pass the exam and not only that the arrangement of the book is not the same as BS7671 although there is extensive referencing to the regs throughout.

Although the exam is a 2 hour one, there are 60 questions and at 2 minutes per question you will not have enough time to look up every question (it is open book). However we find that by the time you sit the exam you’ll be so well prepped that you will know about half the questions off the top of your head.

It is a good idea to try and remember the parts of the book and what they cover as this will make referencing much faster.

During the course you will be given a lot of exam technique tips to give you the greatest chance of a first time pass.

18th edition course (2nd amd) Zoom course 6 evenings

We can now offer the 18th edition regulations course in the evening via zoom. Sat over 3 weeks (2 evenings per week) the course follows the same delivery as our 3 day course, but outside your work hours and in the comfort of your home.

The Scheme of work is as follows:

  • Evening 1
  • Introduction
  • Part 1, Part 2 and 3
  • Evening 2
  • Part 4
  • Evening 3
  • Part 5, 6 & 8
  • Evening 4
  • Part 7
  • Evening 5
  • Revision
  • Evening 6
  • Attendance at local facility for Exam

Please bring photographic ID with you. No ID, no exam!

Please ensure that you have the 18th Edition 2nd amd (brown book), Pen, paper & calculator along with some sticky tabs for the book. And obviously a laptop with a camera for zoom.

Course Fees:

All fees are as listed. There is a booking fee of £100 payable on booking. This is non-refundable as it covers the costs of exam registration etc. This is non-refundable but may be transferred to a later course by arrangement. We’ve had to introduce this as we have had several late cancellations and no shows which puts the courses in jeopardy and costs us. The balance of the fee is due before the start of the course and can be invoiced or paid by bank transfer or credit/debit card.

Initial Verification

This course concentrates only on the initial verification of a new installation, additions to it and modifications involving a new circuit or consumer unit. It carries on where a Minor Works Certificate leaves off. It is a useful certificate for those wishing to register with a competent person scheme to install in domestic premises as it may help you when you join by removing the need to be observed performing inspection and testing for assessment by the competent person scheme (this is of course at the discretion of the competent person scheme). This is the certificate that will help you ‘self certify’ your work.

Electricians wishing to undertake this course should be aware that a good knowledge of BS7671 is a prerequisite and if it has been a while since you underwent a regs course you might want to brush up your knowledge or even take the course again, as the initial verification course makes great use of your knowledge of the regs.

It should be pointed out that although this is a stand alone course, it is often taken in conjunction with the EAL 600/4338/6 Periodic Inspection course. A considerable saving can be made by taking the combined course which includes both the Initial Verification and the Periodic Inspection and Testing.

Often thought of mistakenly as the ‘lesser’ of the two qualification, this is a ‘full on’ qualification and requires a great deal of dedication to achieve. Its scope is rather narrower than its big brother (you don’t have to code departures), but a thorough knowledge of inspection and testing procedure, paperwork, and legislation is required.

The practical exam is a multi-task assessment which should be approached with as much practice and revision as any other.

Don’t forget our inspection and testing courses include a days practical revision on test boards to get you up to speed in your skills – a cost extra at most other centres.

Why take the EAL route?

EAL is as recognised for its qualifications as are any other qualification route. Employers, registration bodies and anyone else that matters fully recognise all the qualifications that EAL offers.

Which qualification body you choose for your training and certification is a matter of personal choice, but many candidates report that the EAL qualification route provides a better assessment experience and certainly the pass rates under EAL appear to be better than most.

Course Fees:

All fees are as listed. There is a booking fee of £100 payable on booking. This is non-refundable as it covers the costs of exam registration etc. This is non-refundable but may be transferred to a later course by arrangement. We’ve had to introduce this as we have had several late cancellations and no shows which puts the courses in jeopardy and costs us. The balance of the fee is due before the start of the course and can be invoiced or paid by bank transfer or credit/debit card.

Periodic Inspection and Testing

This course is for those with experience in the trade who wish to offer for instance Landlords certificates as part of their business. As well as taking you through the course which is 5 days we include an extra days practical training to ensure that you succeed in the final practical assessments. This course is best done either after you have completed a Level 3 Initial Verification course or as part of a combined package which is the most cost effective route.

Having completed the course we offer you the opportunity to accompany us on a real domestic Landlords Inspection so that you can confidently go out into the world with confidence. You’ll soon learn that the £90 Landlord certificates being offered are completely unrealistic (and dangerous) as ours take several hours even for a simple inspection. As far as we are aware we are the only training organisation offering this service.

Why take the EAL route?

You may not be aware of EAL but they have been around since the 1960’s. EAL is as recognised for its qualifications as are any other qualification route. Employers, registration bodies and anyone else that matters fully recognise all the qualifications that EAL offers.

Which qualification body you choose for your training and certification is a matter of personal choice, but many candidates report that the EAL qualification route provides a better assessment experience and certainly the pass rates under EAL appear to be better than most.

Course Fees:

All fees are as listed. There is a booking fee of £100 payable on booking. This is non-refundable as it covers the costs of exam registration etc. This is non-refundable but may be transferred to a later course by arrangement. We’ve had to introduce this as we have had several late cancellations and no shows which puts the courses in jeopardy and costs us. The balance of the fee is due before the start of the course and can be invoiced or paid by bank transfer or credit/debit card.

Building Regulations (Part P) course

This course is often mistakenly called the ‘Part P’ course. It is in fact ‘The building regulations for electricians’.

It does indeed cover the requirements of Part P, but also includes all the other building regulations that an electrician should take into account when installing a wiring system in a domestic property.

The course itself is a 1 day course. We will study from the ‘Electricians Guide to the Building Regulations’ 18th Edition (Amd 2 when it is released).

The morning is spent studying the relevant parts of the book and in the afternoon, you’ll take the 20 Question online exam.

Its not a required course (for JIB etc) but it does give the candidate a useful appreciation of the building regulations and should stop them falling foul of them.

Course Fees:

All fees are as listed. There is a booking fee of £100 payable on booking. This is non-refundable as it covers the costs of exam registration etc. This is non-refundable but may be transferred to a later course by arrangement. We’ve had to introduce this as we have had several late cancellations and no shows which puts the courses in jeopardy and costs us. The balance of the fee is due before the start of the course and can be invoiced or paid by bank transfer or credit/debit card.